The Earth Journey

The Fastest Way to Create Powerful, Positive Change That Lasts a Lifetime

One Weekend That Will Transform The Way You Look At Yourself And The World Around You 

The Earth Journey is valued at $997

Integrity Seminars is proud to offer it to you at only $597

Upcoming Dates:

In Person  - November 15th - 17th, 2024 - Edmonton, AB

In Person - January 17th - 19th, 2025 - Edmonton, AB

Real Comments from Real People

"Integrity Seminars brought me self confidence, self love, and has shown me my full potential..."

"If you have the desire to make a change in your life, then the Earth Journey will make the difference."

“The Earth Journey has helped me to become more confident and to live the life that I have always dreamed.”

“For those thinking of taking the course, don't be afraid of yourself. Just jump in and do it."

Alexis Trinity Love

Marilyn Dodsworth

Vanessa Nielsen

Wally LaCroix

Amazing Results Are Created By Amazing People In The Earth Journey

The results people create vary from person to person depending on what they're working on. Whether you are looking to improve yourself personally, professionally, or both, you will find the missing pieces here in the Earth Journey.

Accomplish Personal Goals

Setting and not reaching goals strips people of their self-esteem and self-worth. Understanding what supports and limits the achievement of goals is a game changer.

Discover Personal Abilities

People are far more capable and powerful than they give themselves credit for. Recognizing where you can capitalize on your abilities leads to ease and joy in life.

Stronger Leadership

Leading an organization, a team, the family, or even a movement are all areas where participants have reported massive transformation.

Become Assertive

Getting what you want means knowing what you want and having the courage to go for it. Spending a weekend in the Basic Program has moved many people to do just that.

Fully Experience Life

Love, Happiness, Success, Fulfillment, and Joy are just a few of the experiences that people want to feel but can’t. The Basic Program support to let go of what prevents us from fully experiencing what we value most in life.

Authentic Relationships

Building strong relationships with family, friends, teams, and organizations is the foundation for personal evolution. When participants can create authentic relationships with the people around them, life gets much easier.

The Transformation Created In The Earth Journey Is Powerful And Profound

See and hear what participants have to say about their experience of moving through our training...

Loved World Wide

Take The First Step In Creating The Life You Have Always Imagined...

Here's Why Our Process For People Development Works So Well

There are no religious ideas, dogma or philosophy to be learned. It is not psychotherapy. In a renewed space of openness inside of 3 days, people spontaneously awaken to the magnificence of their true self.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a style of learning that has you, the participant, actively applying what you are learning through the process. Each process was created to teach you a piece of the bigger picture that will become the new foundation for your evolution.

Immersive Approach

We've created a three day, immersive experience to increase the success of our participants. The weekend is set up to keep you in the learning mindset and environment. Immersion gives you the ability to focused on your evolution without the interruptions that typically derail people.

Group Learning

Working in a group provides you with opportunities to explore your ideas and beliefs, uncover assumptions and misconceptions, and work with others to create agreement and understanding. Exercises done in groups supports you to discover deeper meaning in the content we teach.

Skilled Facilitators

Our facilitators have decades of experience delivering and living The Basic Program content that has changes so many lives. With an unwavering dedication to participant success, they lead with resolve, integrity, compassion, and inspiration.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you aren't completely satisfied after you've completed the entire course, we'll give you a full tuition refund.

Your Questions Answered

These are just a few of the more common questio

Q: Is this associated with any sort of religion?

A: No. Our process has been developed over decades of work perfecting an understanding of how human beings operate. The process is designed to help people understand the origins of their behaviour and results.

Q: Is this just another "You'll be happy for the rest of your life" thing?

A: Attending the Earth Journey does not mean that you will no longer have any problems, or you will be in a state of bliss or happiness for the rest of your life. Completing the Earth Journey means you will have the ability to choose to live the rest of your life based on your true inner strength, with a new level of consciousness, and less from the insecurity of an automatic, socially scripted personality. You will be able to tackle the obstacles of your life, transforming them into valuable growth experiences and achieve success defined by you, not others.

From the words of one facilitator, Rae-Ann: "Attending the Earth Journey was the most precious gift I have ever given to myself. And because we all want to relate to others who are real, you are the best gift you can give to the world".

Q: Why can't I just do this on my own?

A: If you were able to do this alone how come you're still searching?

You have to do this by yourself, but you don’t do it alone. There is a great power in coming to together as a group. The energy propels you to make more progress than doing this alone with the ongoing distractions in life. But more importantly, our facilitators have been guiding people for over 25 years on this journey to self-mastery. They've been up every blind alley there is and helped hundreds of people in a very short time get through barriers they have struggled with by themselves for years.

Q: You've got to be kidding...This kind of change in 3 days? 

A: You can come to the same results that many of the great consciousness teachers have had. After all, they were ordinary folks just like you.

Once you experience your true self, that’s it. The search is over. The next project is to start living from the real you. That will continue to deepen what you have come to know. You will be given instructions on how to apply all that you have learned on Saturday evening of the program. Thousands of successful graduates of the Earth Journey can't be wrong.

Q: What is the Schedule like?

A: The schedule is always the same for every program date:

Friday - Registration opens at 11 am. The course starts at Noon and runs until no later than midnight.

Saturday - 10 am to approximately 10 pm

Sunday - 10 am to approximately 7 pm (There is the option to celebrate your completion of the course on Sunday afterward.

Q: Who can attend?

A: The course is designed for healthy, successful adults who want more in their lives.

To be able to complete the course, you will need to be able to take three days away from your job and family. The course is intensive and therefore consists of long hours. While there are many breaks in the program, they will not be long enough for you to complete other life tasks.

It's important that you resonate with the idea that, deep down, you already know what you need to grow (however often you need support in finding it) and with what you’ve read here so far. You must feel open to exploring the process for yourself rather than doing it to appease someone's wishes.

Q: Is there any support for me after the Earth Journey when I meet the challenges of my life?

A: It’s quite common after personal development programs for the seminar “high” to fade, after a few days or weeks. People are in a more open space and see life more clearly. They can have difficulty bringing their new breakthroughs into their lives where their family, friends, and work are still the same. All too often people are sent home after other seminars with little guidance and support.

This is not the case with us. Our program follow-up, support staff, coaching, and the community of past grads will ensure that you're never far from help.

The Earth Journey is also only the first stage of a three-part process. We emphasize the fact that you are only at step one in this journey and we will do all we can to educate you on the value and the importance of steps two and three.

Your Time To Act Is Now!

Don't Let Another Day, Week, Month or Year Pass Without You Having The Fulfillment You Know You Deserve...

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